7-year-old Welsh Section D, Blake.[/caption] Lynn Hutcheson and daughter Karen Johnson, have a favourite Feedmark supplement, which they feed to all of their horses. Karen explains: “We first used Gastric Comfort on Blake, our 7-year-old Welsh Section D after a recommendation from our vet Simon Constable. I was very skeptical as I didn’t really believe in supplements, but I was willing to try anything!” [caption id="attachment_10531" align="alignright" width="300"]
Sayyad, the 6-year-old Arab.[/caption] Blake was unrideable for two years prior to this investigation which started just over 12 months ago. After adding the Gastric Comfort to his diet ee are now back on board, riding, and improving all of the time!” “Feedmark’s Gastric Comfort has played a huge part in helping my other two horses, My 6-year-old Arab gelding, Sayyad and my 10-year-old Welsh Cob, Max. .” [caption id="attachment_10541" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Max, 10-year-old Welsh Cob.[/caption] “Our future plans are to get Blake back to the Show Ring next season; Max will compete at County level; and Sayyad will go to Producer, Clare Fitch to start his ridden career under saddle.” “I now feed Gastric Comfort as an essential supplement to all of my horses that are in work, or stabled a lot. I have seen huge improvements in their work attitude, and in their all-round health.” A FREE tub of Gastric Comfort is on its way to Blake, Sayyad & Max for being our Horses Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!