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Natural Vitamin E™

Optimalizálja lova egészségét

Független vásárlói értékelés 54 vélemény alapján. 4,9 / 5
Adja hozzá véleményét
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 03. 04. 18:21
Quality product as described. Delivered quickly.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 02. 24. 18:04
Very good product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 02. 24. 9:04
Brilliant product. This is now my 4th tub and I will keep using it.
Started using after my horse had surgery for canker, as recommended to feed vit E. This was the highest form I could find. It’s really helping. Thanks
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 02. 11. 14:02
Quality product. Fast delivery. Does what it needs to - helps with mobility issues for wobbler and give others sufficient vit e levels
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 01. 23. 19:21
This product is use as my horses have restricted grass. They both do really well having this supplemented.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 01. 18. 21:12
Excellent. High quality means low dosage and good value for money
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 01. 14. 18:08
Great product. Reasonably priced and highly palatable making it easy to feed
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 01. 02. 19:34
Great product. After my horse was diagnosed with canker, it was suggested that I needed to build her immune system back up and vitamin E was a good place to start. I needed to purchase the highest dose quantity and Feedmark answered the question.
Easy to purchase and delivery is fast. Also the chance to earn reward points with every purchase. Thank you Feedmark.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2025. 01. 01. 20:14
Natural vitamin e at a good price.Purchased for my mare recently diagnosed with a lipid storage myopathy , I’ve only been feeding at full dose for a week so too early to judge the effectiveness
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 26. 20:23
I’ve been biting this the last year or two to supplement both my horses in the winter months where there is a lack of good grass.  It’s a bit strong in one go so I divide between breakfast and dinner.
Quick delivery. Recommend!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 26. 18:11
Good product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 20. 20:00
This product has been amazing for both my horses. They seem so much more happier in themselves, less stiff in their muscles. I now use this on a daily basis as we have limited grass and in the summer thet are on a track system.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 18. 10:41
Excellent service as always long standing customer wouldn’t use anything else!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 10. 8:32
Seems a bit expensive for what is essentially ground grass however it is being eaten and appears to be doing the job so far.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 12. 04. 18:12
Super quick delivery - thank you. Horse really seems to benefit from the Vit E.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 11. 29. 19:52
My horses are going well  on it thanks
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 11. 12. 18:14
Best value vitamin E in terms of absorption and quality. Always arrives promptly too which is helpful as I'm always last minute ordering. Just what I need for my PSSM2 horse who's doing sooo well on this now!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 11. 10. 18:35
Great supplement, my horse feegreat on it! Thank you! 😊
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 11. 08. 20:34
This really helps my horses and I use on a daily basis to support the muscles. I like it as it's just vitamin E as well.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 10. 15. 19:46
Good product! Speedy delivery!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 10. 10. 19:22
Have just started this product, too early to say.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 10. 02. 22:00
I am cautiously excited that my 11 year old 17'3 with shivers is showing signs of improvement since I have upped his dosage of Natural vitamin E to 5 scoops a day.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 10. 02. 17:43
Good quality natural vit e supplement no added selenium so can be used to boost vit alongside a balancer without overdoing the selenium.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 26. 20:05
This Vit E has made an enormous difference to my EMS, IR, Cushings horse
Because of all his conditions/ ailments and on a nice edge of Laminitis for the last few years, he is unable to have any grass at all. He lives on a low sugar and starch hay and Allen and Page Care and Condition. He is so sound and well and happy now he is on Feedmark Vit E
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 23. 19:57
Pony loves this too and it’s made him look and feel really well and love the tubs it comes in -it will last for ages
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 18. 7:59
Works well and fussy horse not bothered by its addition to her feed. Will buy again.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 17. 11:33
Been feeding my horse on vitamin E for a few months now  looking really good , she has Cushing and  on a restricted diet
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 05. 14:10
Higher ug than comparative products.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 03. 14:58
Bought this vitamin e product for my horses atrophy to assist his ongoing treatment . Bit early to say if it helps but my vet n Chiro has recommended .
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 15. 8:34
Our horse has suffered from liver issues and our vet recommended adding vitamin E to her daily feed. A recent check and her liver function is more or less back to normal, so this is a regular supplement.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 09. 20:05
My horse eats it in his feed happily and it has helped support him as he is  restricted to the amount of grass he can have.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 02. 19:22
Very quick delivery! Only just started the Vitamin E which has been recommended by my vet to help with the general health of my horses heart due to a heart condition.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 01. 14:46
Great product, speedy delivery.
Vitamin E ideal for my horse.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 26. 16:49
Excellent quality. Quick delivery.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 23. 12:56
Since using the Natural Vitamin E supplement I have noticed a significant difference in how tight my horses muscles were, my physio has also commented on how soft her muscles now feel, highly recommend.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 23. 11:23
Highly palatable form of Vitamin E. My horse isn't fussy and will literally eat anything, but this powder has a nice smell for the fussy types. I am hoping this will help my boys overcome their current run of hoof canker and the Feedmark formula comes highly recommended in both Heavy Horse and Canker media groups. Fingers crossed.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 15. 20:48
Great product, helpful customer service.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 12. 8:48
Great product, it's really helping my horse.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 11. 20:36
I needed to supplement vitamin E in to my horses diet due to restricted grazing. The large tub makes it more economical compared to others on the market.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 02. 9:16
I have a horse with ems so cannot have grass . Hay has to be soaked , so need to feed vitamin e , this is a good price .
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 02. 9:05
Easy to use and young TB looking great despite very restricted grazing under vet’s advice.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 06. 24. 9:33
Absolutely love this product for my games ponies, They compete at the highest level and always thrive off Feedmarks
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 06. 21. 5:26
Excellent,  feed to all are show jumpers to keep them in tip top condition also very palatable as one of mine is very fussy about what they eat.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 05. 20. 11:49
Very quick delivery. Horses eating the supplements. Only issue was the bottle of Tribute was leaking
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 05. 16. 20:01
Absorbs far better than synthetic and very palatable
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 04. 15. 20:42
Great product and much needed during times of restricted grazing.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 09. 27. 14:43
Really reasonably priced and actually palatable which is unusual for vitamin E!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 09. 20. 15:03
High quality natural product with no fillers
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 07. 12. 18:35
Always satisfied with feedmark products. My warmblood has some kind of neurological problem with hind legs (potentially stringhalt and/or shivers) and the vitamin E does seem to make the symptoms less severe
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 05. 11. 18:28
Great value for money 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 02. 05. 19:11
Quick delivery. Competitive price.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 12. 29. 20:36
Easy to allocate correct amount and mix into feed, good value, natural product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 12. 26. 9:13
The Vet thinks my horse has a virus and I am using this to help get him better. I believe it's helping.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 07. 13. 22:45
I use for a horse with shivers and I have noticed improvement since using this.

Adagolási útmutató 



Napi adag

Ló/póni súlya


Immuntámogatás/ tenyészállatoknak



400kg alatt

1 mérőkanál

1/2 mérőkanál

1/3 mérőkanál

400kg felett

2 mérőkanál

1 mérőkanál

3/4 mérőkanál

1 mérőkanál (50ml) Natural Vitamin E™ kb. 15g.

A Natural Vitamin E™-t bármely Feedmark termékkel együtt adhatja lovának.

Testtömeg szerint válassza ki a lovának megfelelő mennyiséget, és fokozatosan iktassa be étrendjébe, elosztva az etetések között!

Száraz, hűvös helyen, napfénytől elzárva tárolandó.

A Natural Vitamin E™ egy kiegészítő takarmány lófélék számára. Nem tartalmaz a versenyszabályzatot sértő összetevőt!



Az E-vitamin egy antioxidáns, amelyet a lovak főként a friss takarmányokból nyernek, ezért a legelőn tartott lovak számára könnyen hozzáférhető (Manthe & Youngs, 2013; Fagan et al., 2020). Ha lova csak korlátozottan vagy egyáltalán nem fér hozzá friss takarmányhoz, vagy nem biztos benne, hogy étrendje elég E-vitamint tartalmaz, akkor ajánlott kiegészítő formájában további E-vitamint  biztosítani számára. A természetes E-vitaminnak számos hatása van a lovak szervezetére. Fő funkciója a szabad gyökök semlegesítése, és az immunrendszer támogatása (Fagan et al., 2020). Ezen kívül támogatja a reprodukciós folyamatokat, a sejtfunkciókat és az izmok egészségét, mivel csökkenti az oxidatív stresszt. (Carr & Holcombe, 2009; Finno & Valberg, 2012; Fagan et al., 2020). Ezért ajánlott a máj- és izomtámogatást igénylő, valamint a nehéz munkát végző lovak számára az E-vitamin bevitel növelése a Natural Vitamin E™ kiegészítő segítségével. Az E-vitamin multifunkcionális jellegének köszönhetően, napi bevitelének növelése tenyészkancák és fedezőmének számára is ajánlott a fedeztetési időszakban történő megfelelő támogatás, és a csikók egészségének és fejlődése érdekében (Contri et al., 2011).

Az E-vitamin természetes formája, az RRR-alfa-tokoferol-acetát biológiailag jobban hozzáférhető a szintetikus E-vitaminokhoz képest (Fiorellino et al., 2009), így jobban felszívódik, és optimalizálja támogató hatását (Gagné et al., 2009). A Natural Vitamin E™ minden ló számára ideális kiegészítés, viszont a nagyobb mennyiség etetése kiemelten fontos a máj- és izomtámogatást igénylő, nehéz munkát végző és tenyészállatok számára (Finno & Valberg, 2012; Secombe & Lester, 2012).

A Natural Vitamin E™ bármely más Feedmark takarmánykiegészítővel együtt is etethető.


Egy 15g-os mérőkanál 2,100iu* E-vitamint tartalmaz 

Hatóanyag-tartalom egy napi adagban (500kg-os ló esetén):

  • 4,200iu Vitamin E az izmok támogatására
  • 2,100iu Vitamin E az immunrendszer támogatására, és tenyészállatoknak
  • 1,540iu Vitamin E edzéshez és a máj támogatásához

* iu = international unit = ne = nemzetközi egység



Carr, E. A. & Holcombe, S. J. (2009) Nutrition of Critically Ill Horses. Veterinary Clinics of North America - Equine Practice, 25(1): 93-108.

Contri, A., De Amicis, I., Molinari, A., Faustini, M., Gramenzi, A., Robbe, D. & Carluccio, A. (2011) Effect of dietary antioxidant supplementation on fresh semen quality in stallion. Theriogenology, 75(7): 1319-1326.

Fagan, M. M., Harris, P., Adams, A., Pazdro, R., Krotky, A., Call, J. & Duberstein, K. J. (2020) Form of Vitamin E Supplementation Affects Oxidative and Inflammatory Response in Exercising Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 91: 1-12.

Finno, C. J. & Valberg, S. J. (2012) A Comparative Review of Vitamin E and Associated Equine Disorders.  Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 26: 1251-1266.

Fiorellino, N. M., Lamprecht, E. D. & Williams, C. A. (2009) Absorption of Different Oral Formulations of Natural Vitamin E in Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 29(2): 100-104.

Gagné, A., Wei, S.Q., Fraser, W.D., & Julien, P. (2009) Absorption, Transport, and Bioavailability of Vitamin E and its Role in Pregnant Women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 31(3): 210-217.

Manthe, B.N., & Youngs, C.R. (2013) An Overview of Vitamin Requirements of the Domestic Horse. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education, 42: 179-184.

Secombe, C.J. & Lester, G.D. (2013) The role of diet in the prevention and management of several equine diseases. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 173(1–2): 86-101.


* Days supply based on the immune and breeding stock support feeding rate. 








per kg

Élelmiszer adalékanyagok






E-vitamin (RRR-alfa-tokoferil acetát)




Százalékos összetétel



Nyersolajok és -zsírok













Miért jobb a Natural Vitamin E, mint a szintetikus források?

A Natural Vitamin E biológialiag jobban hozzáférhető a ló számára, ezért gyorsabban hasznosul a szervezetben. 


Miért van a lovamnak szüksége Natural Vitamin E-re (természetes E-vitaminra)?

Az E-vitamin erős antioxidáns, és segít semlegesíteni a szabad gyököket, amelyek károsíthatják a szervezet sejtjeit. A Natural Vitamin E hasznos kiegészítést nyújt a nehéz munkát végző, az immun- vagy izomproblémákkal küzdő lovak, a tenyészállatok, vagy a korlátozott legelési lehetőséggel rendelkező lovak számára.

Etethetek-e lovammal az ajánlottnál nagyobb mennyiségű Natural Vitamin E-t?

Az E-vitaminnak nincs ismert toxicitási szintje a lovak esetében, ezért szükség esetén biztonsággal etethető nagyobb mennyiségben.