This is Hi-lite, more commonly known as Orange. She is a 29-year-old, Cob cross Appaloosa, and stands at 14.2hh. Orange is owned by Rachael Lee, and has been for 22 years. Rachael explains: “Orange is now retired and is a field companion for my other horse, Whisper. She does still enjoy a walk down the lanes in hand though.” “My Mum and Dad brought Orange into my life, after many years of me pestering them for a pony! She was 7 years old, and a bit green and lazy, but we fell in love with her character and her most wonderful temperament. I spent a few years’ worth of blood, sweat, and an awful lot of tears schooling her but in that time she has taught me so much. Orange turned out to be a lovely all round riding horse, and pretty much
turned her hooves to anything I asked of her. We competed locally in showing classes, dressage, pleasure rides and showjumping, although showjumping seemed to require a little bit too much effort on Orange’s part! She has taught all three of my younger sisters to ride, and has taught us all to sit a damn good buck!” “In 2004, Orange needed six months of box rest, remedial shoeing, and controlled exercise, and she became sound enough to ride again. Unfortunately she couldn't quite cope with the schooling work, so I made the decision to retire
her from competitions and use her as a hacking horse. I then fully retired Orange a few years ago, but she still enjoys her in hand walks, and being a field companion.” “Since feeding Feedmark's ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips, I have seen a big change in Orange’s mobility and in her freedom of movement. Particularly so, in the mornings as she is stabled overnight and would previously come out very slowly and shuffle a little.
Flexing her legs to enable me to pick her feet out was becoming a little more difficult. But since feeding ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips, she seems much more comfortable in doing this, and we have no creaky joints which I am happy about! She is still comfortable and free enough to trot or canter off down the field each morning, and kick her heels up! I am so impressed with Orange’s new found mobility, that I have started feeding ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips to my other mare, Whisper, who is 20-years-old!”
“My future plans are to keep Orange happy and healthy in her retirement, so that she can carry on bossing the other horses around in the field, and also playing Nanny to the youngsters!” A FREE tub of ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips is on its way to Orange for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to
[email protected] or go online and write a review.
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