Filled legs are a common ailment that is regularly seen among horses as we enter the winter months. Whilst this is a common occurrence, how worried do you need to be and what can you do to help reduce filled legs?
As bits work by applying pressure in the horse’s mouth (a highly sensitive part of their body), it’s very important we ensure the bit is comfortable, suitable for that individual, and fitted properly. Bit pressure can be painful and stressful for a horse, so care must be taken when choosing a bit to fix a problem.
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!