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Turmeric - the cure for all evil?

Turmeric What is it about this bright yellow-orange spice that has caused such a stir throughout the human and equine world?  

  The use of Turmeric began in Indian Ayurveda. It harbours many properties which account for its use as one of the earliest food preservatives.  Other traditional Ayurvedic uses included topical use to help maintain healthy, clear skin, and orally as a reproductive tonic, to cleanse the blood and help with digestive issues. Turmeric is now very widely used in horses and is a seemingly safe spice commonly found in equine supplements. The reasons people feed it is very wide spread, but most commonly Turmeric is fed to horses to encourage a healthy skin and coat, and to aid mobility and digestion. The active ingredient 'cucumin' is thought to be mainly responsible for the health-benefiting properties of Turmeric, and effects of this have been well studied in humans. However, as most Tumeric will only contain 2-3% curcumin, and this is only one of the active components of Turmeric, it is wise not to assume feeding Turmeric or pure curcumin would have the same effects. Studies have shown that curcumin may not be easily absorbed by the digestive system, and that adding in Black pepper, or the active extract  BioPerine® can dramatically increase its bio availability. Some people also choose to feed Turmeric alongside oils, and if you prefer to do this we suggest feeding with linseed oil or Micronised Linseed, as these contain a beneficial Omega-3 to 6 ratio, and so are likely to further aid skin and joint health. We have been closely monitoring the ‘turmeric phenomenon’ for the past few years with interest. After much research involving testing turmeric from many different sources from around the world and on sale here in the UK we discovered batches containing high levels of heavy metals and other undesirables. Due to our UFAS (NOPS) accreditation we only purchase our ingredients from approved suppliers enabling us to trace every ingredient to its source.  The turmeric we have chosen for our MeadowBlend range is a human grade spice with approximately 3% curcumin.  To aid absorption we are delighted to announce that we have added BioPerine® to enhance the effectiveness.   Bioperine chart Effects of BioPerine® on serum concentrations of curcumin in human volunteers.[/caption] Why have we chosen BioPerine®? While lots of people suggest feeding black pepper with their Tumeric, we have added pure piperine, the component in black pepper which aids the absorption of the active constituents of the Turmeric. Using an extract ensures that your horse gets the same amount of piperine in each feed, as it helps to eliminate natural variation, being already added in to the Feedmark Supplement it makes it quick and easy to feed. BioPerine® is the only product sourced out of piperine to obtain a patented status for its ability to increase the bio availability of nutritional compounds.  Secondly, it is the only source from piperine to have undergone clinical studies in the U.S. to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use. According to clinical reports, having BioPerine® "in the right place at the right time" in the digestive tract with supplemented nutrient results in enhanced absorption. BioPerine® is the only product sourced out of piperine to obtain a patented status for its ability to increase the bio availability of nutritional compounds.  Secondly, it is the only source from piperine to have undergone clinical studies in the U.S. to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use. Although Turmeric is an incredibly widely used supplement, and in most cases will have no adverse effects on the health of your horse certain cautions should always be taken when introducing anything new into your horse's diet. If you suspect your horse has ulcers, is pregnant or lactating or on any form of medication, veterinary advice should be sought. NEW from Feedmark Turmeric with BioPerine® is a ready to use powder formulation that can be added straight to your horse's feed bowl.