Patience and painstaking management for ulcers is paying dividends for Feedmark customer Steph Taylor and her horse Steph Taylor’s plans for her dressage horse, Dazzling Knight, didn’t get off to the best start. But with patience and a careful management routine, they’ve become perfect partners and Steph’s dream of getting the 14-year-old gelding to Grand Prix level may yet come true. “I’ve had him for two and a half years, but when I got him, he injured himself in the field and had to have a year off,” she explains. Then she faced another challenge: Dazzle was diagnosed with Grade 4 bleeding ulcers and needed veterinary treatment. Eventually, endoscopy showed that treatment was working. However, dietary management remained key and Steph’s vet suggested that as well as ensuring that Dazzle had a low-starch diet, she should look at nutritional support. “My vet suggested I should put him on Feedmark’s Gastric Comfort,” says Steph. “I’ve used other Feedmark products and always been happy with them, so I was pleased that she suggested this particular one.” The careful regime Steph has created for Dazzle has paid off. “He’s much happier,” she says. “He’s much more forward and he’s got more stamina. I’m much more aware of the risk of ulcers and before I ride I always give him a scoop of fibre so there is something in his system to absorb the acid. “He’s quite a sensitive soul and is very much a one-to-one horse – he’s not the sort who would be happy with several different people riding him and he has to know you to trust you. If you’re not feeling 100 per cent, he will pick up on it.
“He’s not very good at coping with change, so we make sure he has good routines. He goes out every day for half a day, because if he stays out for longer he paces about and wants to come in. At shows, we always do the same warm-up routine so he knows what’s going to happen and doesn’t get stressed.” Steph has two horses and two ponies: Dazzle; Perugia, a six-year-old from Holland whom she hopes will go on to top level dressage; her first pony, a New Forest; and a Shetland. Over the years she’s become a real fan of Feedmark products. “I had a French Trotter who was a real fruit loop and Steady-Up Advance was great for him,” she says. “I’ve also used EquiDermis Plus and Hardy Hoof Formula successfully.” Steph is very happy with Feedmark’s ordering and delivery service. “It’s a really easy process with quick delivery,” she says. “The products are protected so well by the packaging, it’s easy to choose the delivery option when you order – and I love the special deals.”
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