Our Horse Of The Week is now Moth, a 16.3hh, 12-year-old Irish Sports Horse owned by Suzanne Oliver. Moth has been owned by Suzanne for four years, and together they mostly do schooling and hacking currently. Suzanne told us: “our future plans are to hunt and school over the winter, ready for next season. I would like to do some local hunter trials and get ready for the showing season next year, where we will compete in some ridden, working, and in-hand hunter classes at county level. I may also compete in some Dressage classes.” Suzanne explained “After losing my coloured mare and deciding to get another horse, I found
Moth and went to see her down in York. As soon as I saw her I knew that she would be coming home with me, before I had even sat on her! Moth had come from Ireland where she had only hunted. She was a little nervous, but I assumed this was only because it was all new to her. Moth took weeks to settle in, but she was still extremely nervous after this time. It got to the point where it was dangerous to lead her out to the field, she would barge through the gates, and even through the stable door. Moth was acting more like a stallion than a mare, her behaviour was awful. It took her months to trust anyone, so I decided to try the trusted Steady-Up Advance. This worked wonders almost overnight, she became a totally different horse! Before using Steady-Up Advance she wouldn’t even tolerate
being groomed and was a total nightmare. It would take me an hour to get on her, and then once I was on she would just spook at everything, this supplement has changed that! She was also terrible with the farrier, but as you can see by the photo she is no bother now.” “Moth would get herself extremely wound up before, when under pressure. So much so, that you couldn’t get anywhere near her even in the field to put a head collar on and catch her. Since feeding Steady-Up Advance she is just like a dog and follows me around all over, wanting cuddles and of course carrots.”
Suzanne told us “I first started using Steady-Up Advance over 20 years ago, on Chester my Chestnut Thoroughbred gelding who was a bit mad to say the least! Sadly I lost him last year, he was 28 years old. This supplement was a god send and made Chester so calm that I even rode him side saddle to my wedding, it made a massive difference to him. Being a rather large 18.3hh, I needed something to help calm Chester down! I am always
recommending Steady-Up Advance because of all of the amazing results I have had over the years.” A FREE tub of Steady-Up Advance is on its way to Moth for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!