Our Horse Of The Week is owned by Jemma Snow, who explains: “This is my flea-bitten grey ex racer, called Slow To Part (aka Jez). Jez is 19 years old and stands at 16.2hh. He ran 47 races under rules, then went in to Point-to-Point, before 'retiring' to a
field for a year. At the time I wasn't actively looking for a horse, but I was gifted Jez, by a friend, on Valentine’s day four years ago. What better gift could a woman want!” “At first, Jez was very regimented, only having been on race yards previously. I'll never forget the first time he spotted a Shetland. Having never seen one before he had no idea what it was! He soon stole my heart and that's when our story began.”
“He is now my best friend and 99% of the time he gives back 100%. Although, being a seasoned ex racer he knows all the tricks in the book, which accounts for the other 1%! He has really helped my confidence and he always makes me laugh with his cheeky ways!”
“I started him on ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips a couple of months ago to help with his stiffness, and it has helped tremendously. I would highly recommend this fabulous supplement! It has enabled us to continue to go out competing and attending clinics most weekends.” “Jez has even been mistaken for a 4-year-old with his new bouncy ways. We look forward to continuing to enjoy our time together! Thanks
again for making such a fabulous product.” A FREE tub of ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips is on its way to Jez for being our Horse Of The Week. COULD YOUR HORSE BE THE NEXT HORSE OF THE
WEEK? Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] .
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