Meet Freddy Breeze, our Horse Of The Week. Freddy is now 18-years-old and is a much loved and exceptionally kind hearted horse, according to his owner Caroline Horsley. Caroline explains: “Freddy has a large fan club, who all love riding him, hacking him out, and competing him at shows. He is an excellent schoolmaster, and is hacked out every day. I have hunted Freddy for many seasons and have won Working Hunter and showing classes over the years, and this year also. I am sure he has only kept going due to Feedmark’s Flexamine 10:10 which has helped with his mobility and with Zerobute when needed. I also feed him Feedmark’s Herbalicious treats all year round, to keep him sweet!”
“Over the winter we plan to treat him some more with Energize, to help his performance. He is such a lovely horse, and I hope that with all of the fabulous Feedmark products, he will be around for many more years to come. Next year Freddy will hopefully do all of the Riding Club Team Events again, as he did this year.” “He is all clipped and ready for winter now, and he looks better than ever. Thanks to us spoiling him and tending to his every need. Standing at 17.3hh Freddy is a huge horse, and larger horses can be harder to keep sound, but fingers crossed we have managed it. With winter approaching Freddy will have to be kept in the stable a lot of the time, so no doubt he will be appreciating his usual Flexamine 10:10 and Zerobute to keep him fully active.”
A FREE pouch of Flexamine 10:10 is on its way to Freddy for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!