Feedmark’s Horse Of The Week is now Chico, who is owned by Andrea De Laine. Andrea explains: “Chico recently spent six months on box rest, she was only allowed to walk for ten minutes, twice a
day. Following a lot of loving care, I then had to introduce Chico to being turned out again. At first she was allowed in a very small paddock. Gradually she went into a larger paddock, and finally I could start to ride her in straight lines once more.” “I had heard of Feedmark’s Steady-Up Advance and decided to give it a try. For Chico it has been great, she has fully recovered and we are hacking out on a daily basis. The effect of
Steady-Up Advance is brilliant and as an older
rider it gives me the confidence to ignore potentially scary things whilst out hacking. In addition to this, it keeps her calm when she goes out which is essential to keep her as safe as possible; she used to go rather mad in the field before she had a daily helping of Steady-Up Advance. So thank you Feedmark!” A FREE tub of Steady-Up Advance is on its way to Chico for
being our Horse Of The Week! COULD YOUR HORSE BE HORSE OF THE WEEK? Each week, the
Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] .
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!