Our new Horse Of The Week is Buzz, a Thoroughbred, who is owned by Kathy Boothman. Kathy explains: “My boy is eighteen years young, and is an ex racehorse. His racing name was Save The Pound, but everyone knows him as Buzz. I bought him as a project, on the end of a lunge line at 3 years old, so I guess he is a long-term project! We have had our fair share of blood, sweat, and tears but I love him to the moon and back.”
“We have done all sorts together, from riding club area competitions to getting placed at riding club championships. We have also competed in a 1* event, which was a dream come true to wear top hat and tails. These days, we compete mainly in ROR jumping classes. This year, we went to Windsor for the final where pilot
error cost us a prize, however, we have qualified again and will be back in 2017!” “I use ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips as part of Buzz’s diet, at his age it can only help and he does deserve it!” A FREE tub of ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips is on its way to Buzz for being our Horse Of The Week!
COULD YOUR HORSE BE THE NEXT HORSE OF THE WEEK? Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] .
A sütik segítenek a felhasználói élmény növelésében. Szolgáltatásaink használatával Ön elfogadja a sütik használatát. Forintban közzétett árainkat angol fontból kalkuláljuk, így az aktuális árfolyamtól függően változhatnak!