Our Horse Of The Week is 27-year-old Bentley, a 14.2hh Arab crossed with a Quantock Pony. He is owned by Michelle Seymour and has been since 1997. Together, the combination often hack out, work on schooling, and compete in Veteran Showing classes.
Michelle explained: “Bentley was born in June 1988, and I have owned him since he was 9-years-old. Back in his day, he has competed in local show jumping classes. He was excellent at this, and very fast in the jump off! We also affiliated in Dressage and got to Medium Level. Bentley has been a star in all the years that I’ve owned him, and I will be hard pushed to find another horse like him. He is scared of cows, but he has become braver over the years! For the last three years we have qualified for, and won, the Golden South West Veteran of the Year.”
“Bentley has a cheeky character, he is very vocal at feed time and knocks his stable door for attention. He knows the sound of my car and my footsteps, which is scary! He knows I’m there before he has even seen me!” “Bentley has been on ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips for over 10 years and he is still sound and flexible. ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips has given him the ability to continue to be the sprightly thing that he is. Comfortable for all of these years, he will be 28 in June this year, and still looks amazing.”
“My future plans are to continue to love and look after Bentley. I will keep him ticking over to the best of my ability whilst feeding ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips. I’d like him to be around for as long as possible, as long as he is happy.” A FREE tub of ExtraFlex HA with Rosehips is on its way to Bentley for being our Horse Of The Week!
Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
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