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Help to Make the Flies Buzz Off This Summer!

Horse with fliesFlying insects are the bane of many horse and owners’ summer months. For some horses, flies and mosquitoes are more than just a general annoyance- horse’s performance can suffer due to lack of concentration, head tossing and stomping; some horses may come out in hives due to insect bites, and even kick at and injure themselves due to irritation. These reactions to flies can be dangerous to both horse and rider. While we will never be able to completely get rid of flies, by following certain management practices you can really help your horse to get through the summer months without being driven insane by flying insects!   Horse Scratching  

  • Graze away from muck heaps during summer months (breeding hot spots!).summer_horse
  • Graze away from rivers, ponds, or other water sources.
  • If this is not possible consider stabling during the day.
  • Empty unused buckets or tanks of water, as flies and mosquitoes love stagnant water!
  • Poo pick as often as you can- daily is ideal!
  • Fly rugs can be helpful if your horse is prone to sweet itch, or bad reactions to fly bites but make sure rugs are clean- poo, urine or sweat will attract flies.
  • Use fly spray, such as our Blue Bottle. Reapply every 12 hours for the best effect.
  • Help to Repel flies from the inside out by feeding our Fly Formula - a blend of garlic, fenugreek, peppermint,  and other aromatic herbs which are excreted thorough the skin, repelling flies. It also contains soothing Omega-3 and Chamomile to calm any bites or itches.Buzz-Off-FN-Mask-2767FlyFormulaBlueBottle