Bienvenido a Feedmark


Optimice la salud del sistema linfático, el tracto urinario y la piel.

18 reseñas. 4,9 / 5
Añade tu opinión
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07/02/2025 18:08
Palatable, I mix with marigold as a supplement to help my mares legs when stabled
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07/01/2025 19:22
Product purchased as two of my elderly horses can get swollen legs. It appears to help but it can be a bit hit and miss as to whether they will eat a feed with it in.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30/12/2024 22:11
Great value cleavers
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30/12/2024 20:22
He loves it and it works a treat no filled legs
Trusted Feefo Customer - 15/12/2024 20:32
Clivers is a godsend for my horse. Would buy again from Feedmark
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21/08/2024 17:57
My horse readily eats the Clivers and it has really helped with her ' puffy ankles' which she often gets when it's hot & she does not like to move about much!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 11/07/2024 20:35
Very palatable and has helped with my horse and her occasional fat ankles when it hot and she does not move around as much!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 01/07/2024 22:55
Good value for money
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21/09/2023 9:21
Good value for money and very palatable for the horses
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05/12/2021 20:17
I have used Clivers for some time and it was really invaluable recently when my mare had a leg infection with cellulitis. The Clivers helped the leg drain and it has returned to
normal despite her advanced years.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 04/07/2021 21:17
Clivers is a fantastic herb for joints, skin and feet and the horses love it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 19/05/2021 20:41
Cleavers is a wonderful joint, coat and hoof supplement. It is very palatable and they polish up their feed every time.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09/04/2021 17:57
Bought for a horse to keep top side of her Lymphangitis
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28/03/2021 21:52
I love the Clivers for all kinds of reasons and the Bestflex is in a class of its own.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28/12/2020 22:30
Clivers is an excellent addition to an elderly horse’s diet. The clovers from
Feedmark is clean and smells lovely.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27/05/2020 21:22
Seems to have helped my horses with their mobility and they love it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07/05/2020 10:50
Good sized tub, very palatable to my horse. I have not hi en 5 stars only because he hasn't been taking it long enough to see a difference.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28/12/2017 18:59
Seems to be working, early days yet

Guía de alimentación

Peso del caballo/pony
Cantidad por día                   
Hasta 400 kg 2 cucharadas
Más de 400 kg 4 cucharadas
1 cucharada rasa (50 ml) de Clivers pesa aproximadamente 6 g

Tradicionalmente, los Cliver se han utilizado internamente como tónico para el sistema linfático. Se considera que tiene acciones diuréticas y astringentes cuando se ingiere, por lo que puede ser útil para la retención de líquidos, como las agallas o las piernas llenas. También es rico en sílice, por lo que puede ayudar a fortalecer el pelaje. Los clíveres también pueden ser útiles como tónico astringente para promover una piel sana. Los clíveres se pueden utilizar externamente sobre la piel seca e irritada en forma de cataplasma o infusión. Los tréboles y las raíces y hojas de diente de león son una buena combinación y se pueden alimentar a largo plazo.

Los complementos alimenticios deben administrarse en función del peso corporal. Introducir en la dieta del caballo de forma gradual, repartiendo entre tomas (cuando corresponda).

Clivers es un alimento complementario para animales equinos. Feedmark no utiliza nada en la formulación de este producto que contravenga las normas de competencia.

Información nutricional

Los clíveres son útiles para apoyar los sistemas linfático y urinario, especialmente cuando se alimentan en combinación con flores de caléndula. Para obtener lo mejor en soporte linfático, consulte No Fill. Los clíveres son ricos en sílice, que ayuda a fortalecer el cabello y el pelaje.



Cllivers (Galium aparine)


Proteína cruda 11,5%
Petróleos crudos y petróleo grasas 1,4%
Fibra bruta 31,1%
Ceniza bruta 12,1%
Sodio <0,1%