Bun venit la Feedmark

Has your horse lost its Va Va Voom?

Va Va Voom   If your horse has been lacking in energy then start with some basic checks...

  Fuel Fuel – Are you giving the right fuel for your horse’s energy requirements?

  • Feed quality (in date and good specification)
  • Correct quantity – too little or too much can = less energy
  • Vitamin & Mineral intake – providing a balanced ration is important to general health
  • Electrolytes – Keep them topped up - a lack of them can cause lethargy

  Mile on the clockMiles on the clock – your horse’s workload

  • Is your horse fit enough? if you’re unsure seek advice from a trainer or professional
  • Are you fit enough? an unfit rider will quickly contribute to a tired horse
    • Take time to consider any injuries, age and condition of your horse when planning a fitness regime.

  Check the body work   Check the body work – Is it in good nick?

  • If your horse is prone to skin challenges or is looking a little dull he may be lacking in certain nutrients, check with your vet or speak to an equine nutritionist.

    Regular Service and motRegular MOT & Service – check everything is in good working order

  • Vet – Regular health check plus vaccinations
  • Dentist – at least once a year
  • Farrier – every 6-8 weeks
  • Physio – at least once a year
  • Saddle Fitter – at least once a year
  • Equine Nutritionist – at least once a year

Accessories   Accessories – pimp up your pony

  • Use heart rate monitors
  • Free tracking apps like Endomondo to keep track of your horse's workload

  If you are satisfied that your horse has passed these checks then try feeding Energize a supplement that  helps to support energy delivery, utilising Iron, Copper and B vitamins to support blood oxygen levels and energy metabolism to help optimise performance.  If you would like to speak to a nutritional advisor about your horse's energy requirements please call us on Freephone 0800 585525, we're open 7 days a week!