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Keeping the fun in competition

Pushy parents have a lot to answer for, says Carolyn Henderson


When a friend broke her ankle and asked me to help her seven-year-old daughter at a local show, I thought it would be a fun day out.


Children…ponies…friendly competition. All enjoyable, character-building stuff, right?



Keeping the fun in competition

The best of the British at Windsor

With a trailer full of immaculately clean horse, tack, crew kit and necessary human and horse accessories, we headed off to Royal Windsor arriving late morning after a swift and uneventful journey. Wonder crew Kiwi arrived from Holland and we were all set with a good friend, Spencer, doing the pre-r...

The best of the British at Windsor

Team Bussey - Success Overseas

India and Atiya have had a busy few weeks competing abroad, starting with the youth show at Lampreschtausen, Austria from 18th to 21st May.


Atiya and Chesterfield Z


After an amazing performance from Atiya and Chesterfield Z at the European Viewing trials, which took place at Chepstow International at the end of Apr...

Team Bussey - Success Overseas

The age of the throwaway horse

A horse is not a sofa, writes Carolyn Henderson


It’s a fact of life that a horse or pony may change homes several times during his lifetime. Often, it’s for understandable and unavoidable reasons – but sometimes, it isn’t.


We live in the age of disposable goods. It’s easy and simple to get r...

The age of the throwaway horse

Heroes for horse people

Think about the heroes who have shaped your horsey life. You might surprise yourself, says Carolyn Henderson


Can you remember your first hero of the horse world? I thought I’d found mine in 1968 -  a 21-year-old showjumper called Marion Coakes.


She won an Olympic medal on a 14.2hh pony calle...

Heroes for horse people

Summer dresses and champagne in the sun

The flat turf season is now in full swing, and for once the weather is living up to racegoers expectations of summer dresses and champagne in the sun (admittedly, this is rather less the experience of those working behind the scenes in the stable yard, but it is a lovely thought!)



The blazing...

Summer dresses and champagne in the sun

Fun in the sun

Early morning rides, farmers’ tans and beach rides where you remember not to ride on the promenade – it’s all part of summer as a horse owner, writes Carolyn Henderson.


Summer is just around the corner. In my circle, we’ve been saying that since May; it was mainly to encourage ourselves as water...

Fun in the sun

Dressage superstars Nikki Barker and Olivia Oakeley become Ambassadors for Formulate!

We are pleased to announce exciting new partnerships with International Grand Prix Dressage Riders, Nikki Barker (nee Crisp) and Olivia Oakeley. They have become Brand Ambassadors for Formulate!, a revolutionary new way to supplement, which allows you to create an all-in-one supplement, completely b...

Dressage superstars Nikki Barker and Olivia Oakeley become Ambassadors for Formulate!

Take five minutes to make a difference

Sharing a snapshot of your horse’s health can help boost equine welfare in the UK, says Carolyn Henderson


This week, you can make a vital contribution to equine health and welfare in the UK. It costs nothing, but the benefits are priceless, and it will take you five minutes.


All you have to ...

Take five minutes to make a difference

Feedmark's Formulate! is the official supplement to Badminton Horse Trials 2018

We are incredibly pleased to have launched Formulate! a revolutionary new way to supplement, which allows you to create an all-in-one supplement, completely bespoke to the individual needs of your horse. 

As the Official Supplement Partner to Badminton Horse Trials, you can get the first glimpse of Formulate! at the Feedmark stand, in the World of Horse Pavilion from Wednesday 2nd May to Sunday 6th May, 2018.

Feedmark's Formulate! is the official supplement to Badminton Horse Trials 2018