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Equine Science Matters™:  Supporting Respiratory Health for Horses

Equine Science Matters™: Supporting Respiratory Health for Horses

Being the third largest organ in the horse’s body, the horse’s lungs are uniquely designed to maximise airflow and oxygen uptake. Maintaining respiratory health for horses is crucial as even minor respiratory issues can impact performance. Stephanie Hyland RNutr. MSc takes a look at equine lungs.
Equine Science Matters™: Supporting Respiratory Health for Horses
Feeding for a Calmer Horse

Feeding for a Calmer Horse

Is your horse spooky and often too fizzy? Our Nutritionist discusses important factors to consider when it comes to managing this behaviour and evaluating why it may be occurring…

Feeding for a Calmer Horse
Can I feed Glucosamine to a pony with EMS?

Can I feed Glucosamine to a pony with EMS?

A question we get asked a lot by customers is whether it is safe to feed glucosamine to horses and ponies with conditions such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance. In this article we look at what Glucosamine is and how it affects the body.
Can I feed Glucosamine to a pony with EMS?
Preparing for New Year's Eve Fireworks

Preparing for New Year's Eve Fireworks

New Year means celebrations but for many events it can also mean fireworks. The days during the festive period is a good time to prepare for New Year's Eve fireworks and to minimise stress for your horse. We look at why fireworks can be more stressful than other loud noises for your horse and how you can support them during this time.
Preparing for New Year's Eve Fireworks
Top Tips for enjoying Christmas with your horse

Top Tips for enjoying Christmas with your horse

Many of us will enjoy a break from routine over the Christmas period and of course this means we can spend more time with our horses! We share a few of our Top Tips for enjoying the Christmas break with your horse - and your friends.
Top Tips for enjoying Christmas with your horse
Top Tips: Managing routine changes over Christmas

Top Tips: Managing routine changes over Christmas

Christmas is a time when we often have to change our horse’s routine, sometimes at short notice. Here are Feedmark’s Top Tips for managing your horse's routine changes over the festive period.
Top Tips: Managing routine changes over Christmas
Maintaining hoof health over winter

Maintaining hoof health over winter

Hoof growth slows over winter but it is still important to regularly check your horses’ hooves for signs of issues that are more common in winter. We look at three of the most common winter hoof issues.
Maintaining hoof health over winter
Feeding considerations for the pony with PPID

Feeding considerations for the pony with PPID

Feeding horses and ponies with PPID correctly can assist with managing the condition as well as improving their quality of life. We look at the areas to consider when judging their dietary needs.
Feeding considerations for the pony with PPID
Moulds and mycotoxins in forages for horses

Moulds and mycotoxins in forages for horses

At the time of year when we all begin to buy in our winter hay supplies, we look at how undesired Moulds and mycotoxins in forages may cause irreparable damage to both horse and human.
Moulds and mycotoxins in forages for horses
Feeding the field-kept horse in Winter

Feeding the field-kept horse in Winter

As the nights start to draw in many of us start to look ahead to winter and what we will be feeding our horses. Whilst many horses are stabled for some of the time over the winter months, there are many that live out 24/7 all year round and will need additional support.
Feeding the field-kept horse in Winter