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Forage Options for Horses

Forage Options for Horses

Professor Murray and Dr. Daniels explore the different types of forage available, helping you to choose the best option for your horse this winter.
Forage Options for Horses
Equine Colic and its Associated Risk Factors

Equine Colic and its Associated Risk Factors

Colic is a common veterinary problem. Feedmark's Nutritionist, Abigail Malone, explores what colic is, the signs to look out for and its associated risk factors.
Equine Colic and its Associated Risk Factors
Managing our Horse’s Grass Intake

Managing our Horse’s Grass Intake

Dr. Stephanie Wood investigates the ways in which you can manage your horse's grass intake...
Managing our Horse’s Grass Intake
Your Horse’s Gut:  Gastrointestinal Structure and Function

Your Horse’s Gut: Gastrointestinal Structure and Function

Your horse’s gut plays such an important role in maintaining health and wellbeing. Professor Jo-Anne Murray, discusses your horse's gastrointestinal structure and function...
Your Horse’s Gut: Gastrointestinal Structure and Function
Nutrition of the Mare During Foaling and Lactation

Nutrition of the Mare During Foaling and Lactation

Feedmark Nutritionist, Abigail Malone, explores the nutritional requirements of the broodmare during foaling, and how this changes once the foal is born.
Nutrition of the Mare During Foaling and Lactation

Digestive System of the Horse


The equine digestive system is complex. Our Senior Nutritionist, Abbie, looks deeper into the different parts of this system and explains how it functions to allow our horses to digest feed...

Digestive System of the Horse

Equine Pasture Management for Winter


The winter months are creeping in on us! Not only is it time to prepare ourselves for the drop in temperatures, the frequent rain, and the endless supply of mud, but we must also prepare our turnout areas before the harsh weather is upon us... 


Our Nutritionist, Ellen, shares some top tips on getting your horse’s turnout pasture fit and ready for the colder period.  

Equine Pasture Management for Winter

Managing an Overweight Horse


Maintaining an ideal weight can be very difficult for certain horses and poniesparticularly when fresh flushes of grass are appearing in paddocks. 

Here are 9 helpful tips for managing overweight horses, promoting weight loss and optimising the diet to provide essential nutrients without excess calories.  

Managing an Overweight Horse

What Are Supplements and Does My Horse Need One?

Providing a nutritionally balanced diet is the basis to keeping a happy and healthy horse, however some horses may require additional support for number of reasons. There are a large variety of supplements available and choosing suitable products for your horse can seem a little daunting. Our Nutritionist explains exactly what supplements are and how to determine whether your horse may need additional nutritional support…

What Are Supplements and Does My Horse Need One?

Prebiotics and Probiotics, Why Are They Important?

The horse is known as a hindgut fermenter, this means that they break down a large amount of fibre in the large intestine. Our Nutritionist investigates prebiotics and probiotics, explaining what they are and why they are important in the equine digestive system.

Prebiotics and Probiotics, Why Are They Important?