This is Icelander, he stands at 15.2hh and is 6 years old. This Welsh Cross is owned by Tiernee McCall, and has been for three years. Tiernee explains: “Mainly, we compete in affiliated British Dressage, but we also jump for fun. I broke Icelander in, just over two years ago. Since then, we have placed in the 2015 Dressage
Masters Semi Final, Summer Regional's and Area Festivals, and have also competed as part of the Southern BYRDS team.” “I bought Icelander as an unbroken driving prospect, with the intent to break and sell him on. After having some
lessons with Leanne Wall it soon became apparent that he had far too much to give to ever sell him.” “Regarding our plans for the future, I am hoping to qualify for Dressage Masters at Novice and Elementary. We have already qualified this year for the British Dressage Native Pony Champs and Area
Festival at Elementary level. I hope to do a Medium dressage test by the end of the year and just see how far we can go!” “Icelander is nicknamed Princess due to his attitude. He is a one in a million horse, and has given me so many amazing opportunities already, I can’t wait to see what the future has to hold.” “Icelander’s dressage score had begun to drop down to around 65/66 and we were receiving comments
from the judge regarding lack of energy and cadence. I believed this was due to his sudden weight gain. I then tried Feedmark’s SlimAid, and it has been amazing! Icelander looks
healthy and fit, and he has lost the excess weight. He is now full of energy and no longer seems to tire! Last weekend was the first time Icelander had breezed through two elementary tests without tiring, and then had plenty of energy the next day to do some jumping. We love SlimAid!”
A FREE tub of SlimAid is on its way to Icelander for being our Horse Of The Week! COULD YOUR HORSE BE THE NEXT HORSE OF THE WEEK? Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] .
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