Laipni lūdzam pakalpojumā Feedmark


Saglabājiet veselīgu hormonu līmeni vecākiem zirgiem

163 pārskats. 4,9 / 5
Pievienot atsauksmi
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.02.2025 19:06
I have used this for years and feel it has helped my horse.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.02.2025 18:53
My 29 yo welsh sec D mare hasn't officially been diagnosed with cushings but most of the herbs she seeks out are in this mix.

I have given her 3 scoops in her usual feed of spillers super senior mash for about a week and already she seems happier in herself.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.02.2025 20:17
I have found C-Plus has really helped my old boy who has ems.  It’s made a vast improvement to his coat and he seems happier in himself.  Normally would give it a 5 stars but not sure if they have changed the blend recently as he won’t eat this latest batch unfortunately.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07.02.2025 23:18
our 30 year old Shetland was registering borderline cushings  2 years ago  he is still  showing good kidney and liver function  thanks to c-plus
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07.02.2025 19:01
Always keep this for my older horses had a cushions check this year for my 20 year old and his levels are still normal which is great
Trusted Feefo Customer - 31.01.2025 19:07
Beauty is a small 10hh Welsh X pony rescued from the sales as a foal & had also lost an eye.
She was diagnosed as borderline cushings about 5 years ago. I’ve used Feedmark supplements for a while & been very pleased with them. When I did a search on cushings C-Plus came up & we gave it a try.
Beauty is doing really well, she now cleanly sheds her thick winter coat in the spring & it’s managed her laminitis too (something she was very prone to)
She’s got quite a spring her step & doing well at 24
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30.01.2025 16:47
I wouldn't be without it!!
I ran out once and the difference in our retired mare of 32 years was evident. She suffers with cushings now and I am 100% convinced this is keeping her in better health and helping us maintain any problems with that.
Thank you feedmark this is a great product.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.01.2025 18:10
My mates boat is definitely not so heavy this year
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.01.2025 11:35
Good all rounder supplement for my older horse
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.01.2025 18:05
Great product. Horse is enjoying it and is showing some improvement.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.01.2025 20:03
Trying this fir my EMS pony. Good so far.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.12.2024 06:52
My two elderly shetland mares were looking very poor with suspected cushings.  Since using this product the difference in their condition and coat has been amazing.  I have already recommended it to others.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 04.12.2024 22:24
Was recommended it by a local instructor.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 22.11.2024 12:56
Great for keeping older horses well been using for a long time
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.11.2024 07:30
Only been using it for 3 months but so far so good. The real results will, hopefully, be seen come coat shedding next year.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 16.11.2024 09:37
Started my pony on C-plus due to increased thirst and wet bed.  I’ve had blood tests done and cushings test. Results all organs fine and in normal ranges and cushings slightly elevated but might be normal for his breed. Thought I’d try this product after reading the reviews. He has been on it now for just over two weeks and already less drinking and beds less wet.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 29.10.2024 10:45
My pony readily eats C-Plus and it seems to help with his cushings symptoms - I found I had been under feeding but when I upped the dose it worked well for my pony who couldn't tolerate the medication.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 22.10.2024 13:51
Haven’t been using it long but have tried other brands that the pony wouldn’t touch and she it’s this happily
Trusted Feefo Customer - 15.10.2024 06:49
Ideal for my laminitic horse. Fed every day,nice smell and horse loves to eat it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.10.2024 22:19
Read the reviews and thought would give a try. Never expected to see such quick results after only couple weeks the difference is unbelievable . My pony is so much happier in herself coat feels and looks such better and crest on neck almost disappeared.  Would highly recommend
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.10.2024 12:43
Use C PLUS every day in is feed doing very well on it would recommend  it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30.09.2024 16:29
My horse's cushings scores are lower after feeding this for a year
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.09.2024 09:52
Great product for my borderline-cushings horse. Very palatable and seems to have improved his coat.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.09.2024 20:13
Always have this in my tack room as now the horses will have longer days in the stable due to winter months coming
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.09.2024 10:06
Used this for several years with my old horse and it improved her Cushings coat hugely and her general condition improved. Very palatable - now using for my new horse just diagnosed with early Cushings and she is very picky about things in her food but eats this happily.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.09.2024 19:27
Have tried other Feedmark products! Excellent as expected!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 11.09.2024 08:08
Dolly who is 29years old with PPID was on prascend but it made her lethargic and depressed so I tried her on C Plus and she is back to herself and her coat, appetite and energy levels have all improved and she is definitely back to being her usual bossy self which is great to see being an oldie.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 06.09.2024 18:03
I have been feeding my mare C Plus for around 10 months now . Last year she had severe laminitis caused by EMS and PPID . Fingers crossed so far so good . Always quick and reliable service and points system is a great added benefit.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.09.2024 11:07
Horse doing very well on C- Plus will continue to feed .
Trusted Feefo Customer - 03.09.2024 17:11
On reading a Feedmark article on cushings I decided to give this product a try and now I wouldn’t be without it. Our retired horses were happy to eat their food with it added and the results were clear to see, we saw a significant improvement in how they looked and felt. Our mare, who is 31 years old, is going strong and very happy on it!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.08.2024 21:23
I have used Feedmark products for many years. They have always been excellent and really helped the horses.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.08.2024 21:43
Very palatable good value fire money
Trusted Feefo Customer - 18.08.2024 07:04
Too early to tell how much impact it’s having on actual hormone levels but pony has started shedding coat which is a good sign and certainly seems full of health and vitality.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.08.2024 14:56
Have used C plus for several years and the fact that I am still using it speaks volumes. My pony has had Cushings for several years and I did not want her to have prascend so C plus seemed a viable alternative. It suits my pony, she’s rarely lame even with all the climate changes affecting laminitic, EMS and Cushings equines so I am satisfied with this product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07.08.2024 17:54
We find C Plus very good and recommend  you give it a try will buy again  lukus is do well.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 04.08.2024 20:23
I have used C-Plus over a number of years & found it to be an excellent product. My first old boy reacted badly to Prascend, when diagnosed with Cushings. I put him on C-plus & was amazed at the reversal of symptoms. Since then, our geriatric Dartmoor pony has been having it for the same reason, & hasn't had an attack of lami since going on it. We've recently added a Connie mare to the herd, she came with a history of lami attacks due to EMS. We immediately started her on C-Plus & 8 weeks in, the farrier found no signs of lami when he shod her. I've used a number of different Feedmark products & can't rate them highly enough, they all do what they say on the tub!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.07.2024 16:11
Good product and customer service.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.07.2024 17:49
Great product for older horses
Helps to keep them healthy
A regular user of this product
Great delivery service
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.07.2024 07:20
My fussy 31yo pony willingly eats the supplement. He has cushings and I decided to add this supplement to his medical treatment to help him manage the condition. So far so good (but only a couple of weeks in).
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.07.2024 20:42
My 29 year old mare has been on this now for about 2 years and I can honestly say that she's thriving on it . She's still full of energy and enthusiasm for life . I rate this product highly and would recommend it to others if their horse is  diagnosed with PPID.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.07.2024 13:27
Very good product the horse is doing well on it thanks to FEEDMARK. We are useing it every day one scoop morning and night
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.07.2024 20:55
Made a huge difference to my old pony.  Been on it for over 5 years now and wouldn’t take him off it.  Has EMS, and I’m sure C-Plus has helped him keep it under control.  Made a big difference to his coat, sheds much easier now and looks healthy.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.06.2024 23:58
Great mix of herbs and vitamins for older ponies,. We have one borderline Cushings, but all oldies have a scoop.
I think this does help, notably all seem pretty chilled and costs are fantastic.
Bowls are licked clean and always smells fresh even at the bottom of a big tub.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.06.2024 21:26
Only on my first tub so can’t really see a difference just yet although my horse is eating it no problem
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.06.2024 21:01
Seen a big difference with my horse after feeding this, the medication didn’t suit her at all and I’ve found this a great alternative to manage symptoms
Trusted Feefo Customer - 19.06.2024 21:05
Really great product that has definitely had great results for my horse. Have already ordered my second tub and will be keeping my mare on it!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 19.06.2024 12:26
My horse is doing well and continuing work despite diagnosis of Cushings
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.05.2024 09:15
The horses love it. We use it as part of our regime to help manage cushings without medication. So far, so good! We have used it for 18 months now and have not needed to move onto more serious drugs.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 15.11.2023 13:06
lovely product soes what it says
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.10.2023 14:03
A little slow on delivery this time, normally next day
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.06.2023 20:34
Fantastic product, we have used this for a long while now and have seen a big difference in our two oldies on it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.06.2023 14:41
this product helps keeps our ponies in top condition especially when they dont need too much feed
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.02.2023 11:55
dont completely know the outcome yet as early days but the pony eats it with the tiniest of feeds so positively good so far
Trusted Feefo Customer - 15.12.2022 15:55
Excellent product that is palatable.  Only just started using to see a difference yet
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.10.2022 01:05
Have been using this product for several years so that speaks for itself
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.10.2022 15:42
The horse seems to like it. Always a good start. Since we are using it as a 'preventative', it is hard to tell how well it is working, but we have used it, alongside homeopathy,  since April to try to slow down the progress of cushings in an elderly mare. She did shed most of her coat and is a normal weight as we go into winter. I have ordered more.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.09.2022 20:58
Been using for my old boy for a few months he loves it and ooks well.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.08.2022 15:03
I use it for two oldies and have definitely seen and improvement in their coats.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.07.2022 21:19
Fed my old pony this for years and he’s still going string and continued to shed his coat
Trusted Feefo Customer - 18.07.2022 15:17
Great product, let down by the packing.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.04.2022 20:45
suits our aged shetland well
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.04.2022 21:31
Took several months to see a difference in my 22 yr old pony with EMS but wouldn’t be without it now.  He sheds his coat earlier and quicker, and his new coat looks fab. He is much happier in himself and more like his old self.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07.02.2022 16:23
Products really do what they claim
Trusted Feefo Customer - 03.02.2022 08:09
It has really helped my mare and my old pony 32 years with cushions. My mare doesn't have cushings but her temper has never been good I have seen a remarkable change in her much more loving and tolerant
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.02.2022 19:22
My horse is just starting to respond with C-Plus . Early days yet but seems happier in himself
Trusted Feefo Customer - 31.01.2022 12:32
I have noticed an improvement with my old boy coat within 4 weeks.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.01.2022 22:45
Early days but benefits showing
Trusted Feefo Customer - 15.12.2021 21:08
My gelding reacted badly to Prascend when diagnosed with Cushings, became a total psycho! Put him on half dose of C-Plus to see if his behaviour changed. Fantastic! Became his usual docile self with added bonus of energy levels returned & coat fell out quicker than the hubster's hair! Thank you Feedmark!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 04.12.2021 13:17
Been using this for over a year now, great product.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.10.2021 20:20
My horses are happier in themselves with herbal remedies more natural
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.10.2021 10:09
Very palatable, noticed a difference in how my mare's coat has improved.  Hoping for good results of blood tests in March when she is tested again for Cushings/EMS, will be interesting to see if the ACTH hormone levels have dropped.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 11.10.2021 09:52
My pony is insulin resistant and this product has helped to regulate his hormones and therefore get rid of his cresty neck
Trusted Feefo Customer - 22.09.2021 20:40
It helps my horse to feel great.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.09.2021 14:51
This seems to have really helped my mare.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.09.2021 10:50
I've been feeding this now since May 2021 and have noticed a real difference in my mare's coat.  I was advised to use this rather than medicate with Prascend when blood tests came back with high ACTH.  It will be interesting to see the next test results but I think this supplement is having a positive effect.  It's also very palatable as she can be a fussy eater.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 01.09.2021 16:41
The old pony I started feeding this to was showing slight Cushing symptoms since having C plus he is shedding normally again
Trusted Feefo Customer - 01.07.2021 21:44
Salem has Cushings disease and this product appears to help his condition.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 01.07.2021 09:08
good product does exactly what it says my mare has ems and cushings you wouldnt know looking at her thanks to this product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.06.2021 11:54
I am using C Plus for my 24 year old Irish sport horse to regulate her hormone levels as she is possibly cushinoid.  There are no issues with palatability and I was recommended this by an equine professional who has seen success with lower levels of ACTH over a period of time.  I have been feeding this for about 5 weeks now so I think it's too early to comment but I am hopeful that this will negate the need to medicate with prascend.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 16.06.2021 20:13
I can see the improvement in my horse since giving C+
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.05.2021 08:56
Really helped my 24 year old Arab mare with her Cushing symptoms
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.03.2021 21:43
Well packaged and good ingredients.  Hopefully it will help my horses curly coat!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.03.2021 13:20
Smells far too strong and the mare hates it and wouldn’t eat it.  So it’s now just sat there wasted.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.03.2021 20:50
Horse ate it without any fuss. Cannot tell if it made a difference as horse died last week
Trusted Feefo Customer - 18.03.2021 13:30
Absolutely brilliant.. have never had to call vet for a Cushing’s related consultation in 6 years
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.03.2021 19:18
I purchased this as my pony had been drinking and peeing alot and was exercise intolerant as well as quickly putting on weight and hard to lose it, He was tested for cushings which was negative however, I have noticed he is brighter, he has stopped drinking so much and his bedding is normal
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.01.2021 19:22
This product really helps my cob to cope with ppid
Trusted Feefo Customer - 06.01.2021 20:11
Improvement in syptoms , appetite and demeanor seen almost immediately. No palatability issues.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 06.01.2021 19:50
This is an excellent product which keeps my 23 year old pony in excellent health despite having had Cushings for six years
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.12.2020 19:22
Amazing products, my horses look awesome
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30.11.2020 11:36
Very easy to order, my horse has cushings so I feel this supplement is supporting him well.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.11.2020 20:14
Great product that doesn’t require a ‘loading dose’ great product for the older horse.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.11.2020 06:34
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.10.2020 19:26
Used both supplements for some time.  Really help me manage my pony.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.10.2020 11:09
Fantastic lifesaving product. For two of my old ponies improvements were since within a week. Will be feeding them this long term now.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.10.2020 11:34
Every product I buy from Feedmark is of excellent quality and does exactly as it says
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.10.2020 09:20
Horse has cushings and with the Cplus is in very good condition
cheryl - 14.10.2020 20:28
told you before all great
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.08.2020 10:31
Seems to be having a positive effect in helping my horse with her Cushings
Trusted Feefo Customer - 22.08.2020 17:53
This has made a difference to my 20 year old sports horse who has Cushing's
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.08.2020 10:30
Very palatable for horse.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 13.08.2020 10:57
My horse eats it all up 👍
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.08.2020 21:05
I have noticed a difference in coat lustre and my fussy mare finds this supplement very palatable.  She is borderline bushings and I'm interested to see what the second blood tests reveal.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.07.2020 22:34
Outstanding results in a week and getting better still, so happy to see it working on my ponies!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.06.2020 22:11
This product is absolutely excellent in helping to keep my pony in excellent form although he has Cushings
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.05.2020 16:43
Been using it for years and my cob's medication dosage has remained the same despite his age. Vet is also impressed.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 25.05.2020 07:49
Only two weeks of use and I can see an improvement already
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.05.2020 22:53
Satisfies my 27 year old pony’s needs
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.04.2020 11:21
Brilliant stuff, my horse is fussy, so i mix it up with apples, and carrots and he eat it all
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.04.2020 09:52
2nd tub and coat is finally shedding on my 25 yr old mare. So far so good
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.04.2020 19:52
A very Good quality product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 22.04.2020 20:26
I like the fact that you can try a sample of this product to see if your horse will eat it. Mine wouldn’t eat it to start with but I am gradually increasing  the amount and he is eating it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.04.2020 08:07
Been using this for a couple of months. Great supplement, muscle tone is improving and he's shedding his coat already.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.03.2020 07:31
I have an elderly mare on this and she is much better in herself and outwardly.
She has low level Cushing and this has helped her maintain condition and helps her shed her coat.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 16.02.2020 21:07
Trusted Feefo Customer - 13.02.2020 06:09
Trusted Feefo Customer - 12.01.2020 20:23
Great product for my veteran sport horse who has Cushing's
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.01.2020 13:49
great product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.01.2020 10:10
It works for my horse Tom.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.01.2020 10:35
My horse has Cushings Disease and I swear by this as helping to keep him looking good
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.12.2019 20:12
I have used this product for several years now and it suits my 26 year old pony.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.12.2019 12:57
Absolutely excellent and keeps my pony with Cushings in really good form.  It just seems to have that extra something that makes it special.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.11.2019 16:09
this product is a miracle
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.11.2019 15:05
Bought C- plus for my retired gelding.  Smells nice and he's eating it.  No noticable changes in this first week but will keep feeding for a few weeks to set if this helps him.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.10.2019 16:45
I have used C+ for a while now, having used pure Chasteberry from another source for some years with considerable success in keeping my Cushings horse stable.  However, I have found C+ to be even better and I currently have a pony with Cushings who is extremely well in himself and keeping well which is all that matters.  I put this down to using C+ as he is not on - and not requiring - other medication.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.10.2019 22:10
Great value for money. Seems to suit my horses.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.10.2019 13:19
Excellent product, I have us3d it for years.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.09.2019 11:06
Excellent product makes a really difference to my pony
Trusted Feefo Customer - 26.09.2019 10:21
Seems to help my 30 year old thoroughbred who has cushings
Trusted Feefo Customer - 20.09.2019 15:02
Have been using this product for a few years now and seems to be doing the 5he job
Trusted Feefo Customer - 18.09.2019 23:12
You sell natural products which I feel are very good for my horse.Delivery is brilliant every time.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.08.2019 20:50
I have used this product for a couple of years now for a pony with Cushings who reacts badly to medication.  He is absolutely thriving on C+ and I would recommend it to anyone with an equine in this condition.  I think it supersedes Chasteberry on its own - which I found to work very well but C+ is even better.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.08.2019 17:27
Great product as always and helps my horse no end.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.08.2019 10:40
Very palatable and started to work after a few days
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.08.2019 18:41
Trusted Feefo Customer - 07.08.2019 20:52
Good product-noticed the difference in my horse
Trusted Feefo Customer - 01.08.2019 09:27
I didn't expect to see any results so quickly but after two weeks, my 19 year old mare has a really shiny coat already, I am hopeful that after longer on the supplement, other benefits will show.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 31.07.2019 17:28
My pony is 31 years old and pre cushings. This keeps her fit and well and my vet says because she is on this she does not need routine medication.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 31.07.2019 16:03
Very good quality and excellent delivery
Trusted Feefo Customer - 24.07.2019 23:23
Pony doing well on supplements.  Improved his mobility. And helped with Ems reduced crusty neck. Really feel the company are trusted and researched products which make a real difference to pony. And he loves eating them with his chagrin and balancer
Trusted Feefo Customer - 21.07.2019 16:00
Perfect and does what it says, have cut horses medication by half.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.07.2019 12:03
good product, horse likes it
Trusted Feefo Customer - 03.07.2019 15:04
this prosuct does as it says my mare looks fantastic o n it and her problems have reduced to virtually nil since being on it
Trusted Feefo Customer - 05.06.2019 14:13
Really good product xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Trusted Feefo Customer - 08.05.2019 23:04
Not been using it long enough to know if makes a difference.  My horse is not too keen on the taste but is now up to full dose after 3 weeks.  
Dose is very large to give in one feed - shame is not more concentrated
Trusted Feefo Customer - 08.05.2019 15:59
had it before and helped my old boy so now regular part of his feed.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 08.05.2019 14:57
excellent product. my horse had just started with cushings, and after a few weeks on c plus his bloods were back to normal.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 30.04.2019 16:22
Managed to cut my horses medication down by half since he has been taking C-Plus
Trusted Feefo Customer - 29.04.2019 10:42
Certainly bringing back the sparkle in my horse after a hard winter
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.04.2019 14:00
This Product has made a huge difference to my old horse after cushings diagnosis. Latest blood test showed marked improvement. Extra bonus is that although normally a fussy eater the horse loves it!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.04.2019 12:09
My 5 veterans have been on this for some time and I wouldn't use anything else.  They are well, their coats are looking good and are shedding well ready for summer  and shiny eyes all round -  including the 30 year old.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 02.03.2019 20:32
Great for my laminitic pony
Trusted Feefo Customer - 27.07.2018 16:15
Seems to be effective after first tub
Trusted Feefo Customer - 04.03.2018 16:57
use it all the time really great for the horse
Trusted Feefo Customer - 28.02.2018 18:21
Great product my horse looks really well
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.02.2018 11:07
Have used this supplement previously and find it to be very good and is easily added to feed
Trusted Feefo Customer - 23.12.2017 16:19
Good product, seems to have desired effect
Trusted Feefo Customer - 17.10.2017 11:48
Been using on old pony who was at dearth’s door now bouncing
Trusted Feefo Customer - 16.10.2017 12:10
Great supplement our horse enjoys it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 14.10.2017 12:29
Still early days yet.  Charlie's coat has improved but his weight and muscle loss has not improved yet.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 10.10.2017 10:22
Really seems to have helped.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.10.2017 17:17
This has mad a huge difference to my older horse who has cushings
Trusted Feefo Customer - 09.10.2017 12:19
My 38 year old boy has been on this for years, he was diagnosed with cushings 4 years ago and it was recommended to me by a friend from Feedmark to give it a try. I've never looked back since he is doing very well and not on any medication from the vets.

Uztura informācija

C-Plus™ ir dabīgu sastāvdaļu maisījums, kas ne tikai atbalsta hipofīzi, bet arī veicina vecāku zirgu un poniju vispusīgu veselību un labklājību.

Galvenā sastāvdaļa ir Chastetree Berry (Agnus-castus), ko parasti izmanto, lai atbalstītu hipofīzi, palīdzot uzturēt normālu un līdzsvarotu endokrīno sistēmu un vielmaiņas funkciju. Tas palīdz uzturēt hormonus pareizā līmenī, lai nodrošinātu normālu imūnsistēmu, kažoka izkrišanu un tauku uzkrāšanos. Turklāt magnijs un kanēlis uztur normālu cukura līmeni asinīs, un antioksidanti E vitamīns un selēns apvienojas ar mežrozīšu dabisko veselību atbalstošo iedarbību, kas kopā ar imūnsistēmu atbalstošo Astragalus uzlabo zirga veselības stāvokli. Citas sastāvdaļas sniedz papildu atbalstu vecākiem zirgiem: jūraszāles palīdz veicināt normālu tauku sadali, un prebiotiskais alus raugs un nomierinošā piparmētra atvieglo kuņģa-zarnu trakta sistēmu un veicina efektīvu gremošanu.


Mikronizētas linsēklas, Chastetree ogu pulveris (15%), alus raugs, jūraszāles, mežrozīšu čaumalas, magnija oksīds (5%), piparmētru lapas, kukurūzas milti, kanēlis, Astragalus.


UZTURA PIEDEVAS (uz kg): E vitamīns (viss rac-α-tokoferilacetāts, 3a700) 14 960 iu; Selēns (nātrija selenīts, 3b801) 10 mg.


kopproteīns 19,1%, kopeļļas un amp; tauki 14,4%, kopšķiedra 18,6%, koppelni 12,3%, nātrijs 0,76%

Barošanas ceļvedis


Zirga/ponija svars Summa dienā                                               
Līdz 250 kg 1 mērkarote
250–400 kg 2 karotes
400–600 kg 3 karotes
Vairāk nekā 600 kg 4 karotes

1 līmeņa (50 ml) C-Plus™kausiņa sver aptuveni 29 g


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