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Digestive support for horses grazing in sandy areas

Független vásárlói értékelés 41 vélemény alapján. 4,9 / 5
Adja hozzá véleményét
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 15. 8:35
Our horse was having wet and runny poop, the vet recommended using psyllium husk and it's worked a treat, really pleased with the results.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 09. 14:33
Easy and economical to use
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 21. 14:49
First time Iv used this product ,as we have horses on sandy soil , will definitely use again
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 17. 7:32
Used this product several times now as very sandy soil. My horse seems more comfortable after 5 day course
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 07. 15. 21:22
Used this product several times now as very sandy soil. My horse seems more comfortable after 5 day course
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 06. 14. 20:06
Nice and fine, so easy to hide in the feed of a suspicious horse! Fed as a precaution due to restricted grazing on dry clay ground, so dusty and bitty. Fair price to pay to keep mind at ease from sand colic
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 08. 08. 9:11
With the very hot weather the grass is now very short. My horse had sand colic some years ago and a regular course of psyllium husks helps eradicate any sand he may have eaten.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 07. 20. 20:55
Does the job, currently on very sandy soil and not worth the risk of sand colic. Only wish there was an option for a refill bag, currently only available in a tub.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 02. 03. 7:17
Psyllium is part of basic care for my horses.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2022. 01. 13. 13:31
Moved to an area with sandy soil and recommended to use this product every few months
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 06. 24. 5:47
Easy to use,good price and enough left for at least one more treatment
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 02. 10. 20:15
Keeps them safe from sand colic
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 01. 26. 11:30
Worked well and my mare's droppings have returned to normal.  We have recently moved to a yard where the soil is very sandy and she was showing signs of sand colic.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 12. 31. 11:46
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 12. 27. 18:00
Used it for years and only use the Feedmark psyllium.  It works really well and gets rid of sand almost instantly - highly recommended
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 12. 17. 19:41
Does what it says on the tin
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 08. 31. 7:30
Website is easy to use, super quick delivery.   The product is of a high quality and it works.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 06. 07. 21:09
Brilliant and effective product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 05. 28. 12:46
My daughters pony is on restricted grazing and we're on sandy land. She has psylium husks once a month to stop the risk of sand colic
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 05. 24. 20:18
Gives reassurance. All horse carers need to be more aware of the dangers of sand colic, even if they think the land isn’t sandy.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 04. 22. 20:37
Excellent through and through
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 02. 01. 11:15
Good product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 01. 29. 12:25
Simple product, does the trick
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 12. 06. 9:42
Great for horses at risk of sand colic.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 12. 01. 22:09
Psylium husks are very dusty and despite lots of chaff they tend to be left at the bottom of the bucket. Poor for horses with breathing issues. To be supplied in a different form would be beneficial.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 11. 30. 12:42
Great price.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 10. 30. 10:16
Very good product for a horse on sandy field.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 10. 09. 19:45
Work brilliantly and high quality
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 08. 21. 16:49
Essential to reduce colic risk
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 07. 12. 11:16
items are well packed delivered quickly
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 06. 19. 10:50
Excellent product excellent service
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 05. 30. 10:03
Recommended product by professional
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 05. 15. 22:23
Superb well presented product
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 05. 15. 18:50
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 04. 10. 16:14
Better value than the leading alternative;  palatable and no problem to feed.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2018. 12. 18. 12:52
Difficult to get excited about Psyllium! But it keeps my horses safe and gives me peace of mind
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2018. 01. 07. 18:16
Gives peace of mind, considering my sandy soil
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2017. 10. 27. 17:52
An essential product for sandy grazers.

  Adagolási útmutató

Ló/Póni súlya Napi adag
400kg alatt 1 mérőkanál
400kg felett 2 mérőkanál
1 mérőkanál (150ml) Psyllium Husks kb. 50g.

Az ajánlott napi mennyiség a szintentartáshoz megfelelő mennyiség. Ez a mennyiség megelőzésként szolgál.
Adja lovának 5 napig, kéthavonta!

Kövesse az adagolási útmutatót, figyelve arra, hogy a termék ne érintkezzen folyadékkal! Ha lehetséges száraz takarmány közé tegye! Mindig biztosítson lovának hozzáférést tiszta, friss vízhez! Állatorvosi ajánlással hosszabb ideig, illetve nagyobb adagokban is etethető.

Tárolás : Légmentesen záródó edényben, közvetlen napfénytől távol tartandó!

Testtömeg szerint válassza ki a lovának megfelelő mennyiséget, és fokozatosan iktassa be étrendjébe, elosztva az etetések között!

A Psyllium Husks egy kiegészítő takarmány lófélék számára. Nem tartalmaz a versenyszabályzatot sértő összetevőt!

A Sand-Free™ mind az emberekre, mind a nagy homokterheléstől szenvedő lovakra gyakorolt jótékony hatásairól ismert. Oldható rostforrást tartalmaz, amely vízzel összekeverve gélszerű anyagot képez. Vízabszorpciós tulajdonsággal rendelkezik, amely azt jelenti, hogy hidroszkopikus szivacsként működik, lehetővé téve ezzel, hogy felvegye a nemkívánt idegen anyagokat (például homok és emészthetetlen szálastakarmány) az emésztőrendszer redőiből.


Útifűmaghéj (Planago ovata)

  Százalékos összetétel

Nyersfehérje 3,1%; Nyersolajok és zsírok 0,8%; Nyersrost 4,8%; Nyershamu 2,6%; Nátrium 0,07%