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Condition & Shine™

Elősegíti a súlygyarapodást és a kondíció fenntartását

Független vásárlói értékelés 31 vélemény alapján. 5 / 5
Adja hozzá véleményét
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 11. 14. 12:57
It gives their coat a boost for sure..nice to see at this time of year.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 29. 13:59
This keeps my aging ***** cob gleaming - in winter and summer. It obviously tastes good too, as he eats it with no problem!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 21. 1:45
My 23 year old 17.2hh IDxTB started to drop weight during this past winter, added condition and shine to his feed as I’d used the same on my elderly pony previously. Definitely noticed an improvement - shiny coat and holding weight much better. Looks great on it.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 09. 03. 23:15
Great product, smells great and horse will eat it no problem. Dies what it says on the label
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 08. 14. 14:50
Had noticed that my pony who has Cushings seemed to be suffering badly from a scurvy/dandruffy skin which didn’t shine no matter how long I groomed her for. Have used Condition and Shine for about 3 weeks so can’t really give any definitive answers, however I have noticed that the flaky skin seems so much better and there is a sheen starting to appear on her coat so I am optimistic that this is due to her taking Condition and Shine. Watch this space for further updates as she progresses through the tub.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 06. 27. 8:47
A fantastic and quick acting product. Will be my go to now when I need to put weight on one without adding any fizz. I’ve used it on multiple horses and have found it very effective and palatable for the horses.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 03. 20. 17:03
Fast and secure delivery mmm
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2024. 03. 13. 13:21
Paid next day postage, no issues
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 12. 22. 12:56
Postage was really fair for the amount of product that was delivered.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2023. 06. 14. 14:41
we have an old TB who has been on this for 4 weeks and we can already see the difference
hes not a big eater so its always been hard and his teeth are what you would expect from a horse in his mid 20`s
we are very pleased with the results
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 12. 15. 21:19
Seen results kicking in after 2 weeks
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 06. 23. 21:33
Mirror shine on all of the horses. Thank you for a brilliant product.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 03. 31. 21:55
Excellent. Has made a huge difference to my old boy
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 03. 03. 19:40
After using this for a year in my 28 yr old part Arab's feed , this is the first winter that he hadn't had mud fever and still has his feathers!
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 03. 03. 19:19
It does what it says adds condition, shine and top line.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 02. 22. 12:27
Super product. Bought for my 28 year old pony to help keep weight on over winter. She loves the taste so no problem to feed.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 02. 19. 15:16
Builds top line , condition and shine with out extra bulk. Horse looks fabulous ready to start the eventing season.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 02. 04. 12:25
Made the world of difference to my 28yr old. His coat is shining and he's looking really good
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 01. 29. 14:25
Having gained condition ,muscle and topline on maximum dosage after 6 weeks on condition and shine, we have now reduced to maintenance dosage.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 01. 20. 22:16
Obie has built up topline and muscle with his new found calories .He is eating up his feeds better. He was already on 3 feeds and maximum ratios of mix. This supplement has given him the right sort of calories without adding additional bulk to his feed. He is looking fantastic ready for the eventing season to start.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2021. 01. 20. 19:42
My horse loves it and is looking amazing now
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 12. 17. 20:14
Good results for this food
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 10. 26. 12:07
First time I have tried this product  but pony is enjoying it, so hopefully it will help her to gain a little weight over the winter period.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 09. 02. 21:35
Great product.   Really works
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 08. 13. 7:05
Had it before and it has worked
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 07. 05. 21:30
Saw the difference in less than a week. Amazing product and just what my old boy needed
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 06. 24. 20:50
Excellent product, quick delivery. Has made such a difference to my standardbred who struggles to keep weight on
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2020. 06. 11. 19:30
Given to a 24 year cob as a pick me up after winter. Seems to have given him a spring in his step.
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 10. 23. 15:05
Seeing the benefit after only 2 weeks- advice received at Blenheim and attractive discount encouraged me to try it
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 07. 10. 11:33
Purchased following a recommendation from the Feedmark nutritionist
Trusted Feefo Customer - 2019. 04. 27. 20:48
Product appears to help my elderly mare. She can be a fussy eater but eats this without hesitation.

A Condition and Shine™ egy könnyen alkalmazható, nagyon ízletes és magas olajtartalmú kiegészítő, amely segíti lovát, hogy fenntartsa kondícióját, anélkül, hogy "melegítő" hatást érne el.

A teljes mikronizált lenmag és lenmagolaj antioxidáns E-vitaminnal és szelénnel stabilizálja az olaj anyagcseréje során felszabaduló szabadgyököket, hogy hozzájáruljon a sejtek megfelelő egészségének fenntartásához. A lenmag fordított foszfor:kalcium aránnyal rendelkezik, amelyet kalcium-karbonát hozzáadásával korrigáltak az izmok és az idegrendszer megfelelő működésének biztosítása érdekében.

Teljes zsírtartalmú szóját és lenmagot tartalmaz, mivel ezek természetes módon gazdagok aminosavakban, és elengedhetetlenek az izomépítéshez. A Condition and Shine™ lovak széles körének nyújt támogatást, alkalmazhatja például, ha lovának tömeget kell növelnie, ha rossz kondícióban van, ha nincs étvágya, ha versenyre készül vagy akár idősebb lovak számára is megfelelő.


Mikronizált lenmag, lenmagolaj, teljes zsírtartalmú szójadara, menta, kalcium-karbonát, kukoricadara


  E-szám per kg
E-vitamin (all rac-α-tokoferil-acetát) 3a700 2,768 iu
Szelén (Nátrium-szelenit) 3b801 1.9 mg

Százalékos összetétel

Nyerfehérje 19.4%
Nyers olajok- és zsírok 38.7%
Nyersrost 17.9%
Nyershamu 5.5%
Nátrium <0.1%
Keményítő 3.3%
Cukor 1.0%

  Adagolási útmutató

Ló/Póni súlya        

Napi adag

Kondíció fenntartáshoz

Napi adag


250kg alatt ¾ mérőkanál  1½ mérőkanál 
250 - 400kg 1 ¼ mérőkanál  2 ½ mérőkanál 
400 - 600kg 2 mérőkanál  4 mérőkanál 
600 kg felett 2 ½ mérőkanál  5 mérőkanál 






1 mérőkanál (150ml) Condition & Shine kb. 75g.

Testtömeg szerint válassza ki a lovának megfelelő mennyiséget, és fokozatosan iktassa be étrendjébe, elosztva az etetések között!

A Condition & Shine™ egy kiegészítő takarmány lófélék számára. Nem tartalmaz a versenyszabályzatot sértő összetevőt.