Our Horse Of The Week is now Ted, who is a 15.1hh, Welsh Section D Cob. His full name is HRH Edward I. June Hayden is Ted’s owner, and has been for 8 years since he was a two-and-a-half-year-old. June explains: “I backed, broke and schooled him myself, he is amazing. I initially trained him for leisure riding, hacking, and for commercial carriage driving for weddings. Not only does Ted drive singularly, but he also pairs up to one of my other horses to pull a two-horse carriage. Additionally I will be training
him with professional Dressage instructors later on this year. Ted loves the sea, and he will paddle, trot and canter through it for miles! We also go into the local pub together, which is called The Sailors Home in Kessingland. Whilst we are there, Ted will drink a pint of beer out of a tub on the bar.” “Ted has a heart as big as the ocean, and a temperament that is second to none. He began his journey on a traveller’s yard, dehydrated, starving and full of worms. Thankfully he was then retrieved and saved by a very caring lady, who then sold him to me to ensure that he would have a five star home from then on. I have never looked back since, and neither has he!”
“After putting Ted on Feedmark’s Flexamine 10:10, I noticed a considerable improvement in his action. Namely that he no longer displays lazy foot work! He is obviously feeling far more comfortable in his stride and this is all thanks again to yet another one of Feedmark’s great products!” A FREE 700g pouch of Flexamine 10:10 is on its way to Ted for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your
horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
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