This is Penny, a 14.2hh Cob. For 5 years she has been owned by Jess Kemp, who has had Penny since she was almost 24-years-old. Jess explains: “I loaned Penny to start with, and was later given her by a very lovely lady who is very proud of us both. We mainly just hack together now, we have competed in one dressage event, not that we were very elegant! Penny is a
fantastic natured horse, and loves to sleep! She likes to eat mints, apples and carrots and will hold up her hoof when she would like a treat, or when she eats her dinner. She also loves nothing more than a good hack in our woods.” “Unfortunately, Penny suddenly lost her sparkle and became lethargic and withdrawn. Her coat became
dull and her field companion started attacking her. Confused by Penny’s change in behaviour, I decided to take her for her favourite ride in the woods. Normally she wants to gallop up the hill and absolutely loves it, but this time, although she did want to do it, she was just walking slowly.”
“I searched and searched for different ways of helping Penny, until I found Feedmark and their wide variety of supplements. I like their natural approach to supplements, and had heard
good things about the company. I spoke with a Nutritional Advisor and chose Veteranaid. I have not looked back since, with less than a week on this supplement Penny was back, lively and fighting fit! I cannot tell you how grateful I am. She has now celebrated her 29th birthday and is still on Veteranaid every day. The taste
seems very palatable for her, she loves it. Penny is happy, her coat looks beautiful, and she still enjoys a good ride.”
A FREE tub of Veteranaid is on its way to Penny for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
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