Meet our new Horse Of The Week, Akehurst Rose-Mary, also known as Maya. She is owned by Sarah Hall who explains: “Maya is five years old, 14.1hh, and a Dales Pony. I have owned her for almost five years as I bought her as a nine-month-old foal. Maya was broken in last year. So far we have competed at a few shows, entering the in-hand classes. Mostly though, we school at home and hack out.”
“After wanting a Dales Pony for several years, Maya finally came along. We are learning together! She won me my first red rosette, and I hope that we get many more together! Unfortunately, The Dales Pony is now critical on the rare breeds list. So I plan to get out and about with her as much as possible this year, to show just how versatile the breed is. This is the Dales Pony Society’s 100th year, and there are lots of activities planned across the country.”
“When I bought Maya she was on Feedmark’s Benevit Advance, and I kept her on this for about 12 months, she always looked great on it. Not sure why looking back, but I then changed her diet. I was never as happy with the other products I used. Recently I decided to go back to feeding her Benevit Advance, and I am amazed at the results. Her coat constantly looks like I have sprayed coat shine on it, her eyes are bright and she looks really healthy. Also, I have noticed she no longer eats dirt and other things in the field that she shouldn't. I am now confident that she is receiving all
of the vitamins and minerals she needs.” A FREE tub of Benevit Advance is on its way to Maya for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
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