Jay is a 16.3hh ex-huntmaster’s horse and is owned by Laura Ness. At 18-years-old, Jay is a schoolmaster and has been there and done it. Laura told us: “I have known Jay for nearly 7 years now, and was fortunate enough to buy him for myself in September of 2014. Coming in to the winter, it was then that I saw him at his worst, and it got to the stage where I admitted defeat and put him on a calmer. However the calmer that I used, actually made him worse and I would have days where I wondered if I had bought the right horse, and whether or not I had made the right decision. I lost all confidence and Jay became unrideable. In desperation and on the verge of not knowing what to do, I spoke to a friend who recommended Feedmark’s Steady-Up Advance supplement.” Laura explains:
“Within two weeks of feeding Steady-Up Advance, Jay was a completely different character. He was very easy, a pleasure to work, and all round a lovely animal to be around. Jay had always been a struggle to lunge; he would stop, spin and rear at me. It had got to a point where I felt as if I had to have him strapped down in gadgets for him to work properly, and to lower the risk of injury to himself. However, since being on your supplement he has in the last 6 weeks turned himself around, and is now a complete pleasure to work with and train. Also, for the first time since November (partially due to his behaviour!) he is back to jumping again. He jumped on the lunge Monday and I was expecting him to be a nightmare but instead, he was happy trotting over some jumps with just a bridle and a lunge line! With the help of Steady-Up Advance, we have been able to do our first show - a walk and trot test. When we trotted down the centre line and halted, I was so full of
pride I burst in to tears.” “Feedmark, I cannot thank you enough for producing this supplement, it has enabled me to keep my horse when I was at the stage of struggling to figure out what to do with him. He has also been caught having quite a few sleeping sessions lately, I definitely have a more content and happy horse! Thank you!”
A FREE 2kg tub of Steady-Up Advance is on its way to Jay for being our Horse Of The Week! Each week, the Feedmark team select a horse of the week from reviews, letters and emails sent to them. If you would like your horse to feature, then please send your horse’s details in to [email protected] or go online and write a review.
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