This is Darwin, our new Horse Of The Week. He is a 12-year-old Irish Draft cross Thoroughbred standing at 16.1hh. Zoe Linington has owned him for 3 years, and explains: “Darwin is a true all-rounder, we do a bit of dressage up to novice level, jumping, Trec, horse agility, hacking, and pleasure rides. He

turns his hoof to anything! We just look to have fun. Darwin is the sort of horse that is so easy to love, he always puts a smile on your face as he is very affectionate and easy going, he always tries so hard to please.”

“Darwin has to be stabled quite a bit over the winter. I was arriving at the yard in the morning to find four legs that looked NOTHING like horse legs - there was no

definition to them at all, especially his hinds. After 20 minutes of walking they would go down so I knew what the problem was. Bandaging at night was an option but it's very time consuming, and then he started to come up in little bumps under the bandages so it seemed I had swapped one problem for another! I was looking

around for something to help with the bumpy skin when I came across Feedmark's range of supplements and then of course, the '
No Fill'. It was worth a go -

solve problem number 1 and then I might not have problem number 2!”
“If I was going to be really honest, I didn't believe that it would work. I thought it was absolute nonsense, but I had tried everything else and was a bit desperate! Darwin was on '
No Fill' all last winter and the results were nothing short of miraculous. It looks a

little like potpourri and I was very dubious, but Darwin did not have filled legs even once last winter! No bandages, no in hand walking before riding, normal horse legs! Highly recommended.”