Valentino is an Irish Sports Horse, and he stands at 16.1hh. He is 6 years old and belongs to Rachel Calder, who has owned Valentino since September 2014. Rachel explains: “I do mostly dressage, schooling and hacking with Vallé. I currently compete with him in British Dressage Team Quest, and our teams are currently 4th and 9th place in Scotland.”
“I don’t have a great deal of information about Vallé’s past. All I know is that he came straight from the breeder in Ireland, to a dealer. He had never had a feed in his life, nor had he been turned out. he had done some hunting but not a lot. He was quite a nervous skittish
character, but now he loves life.” “I’m hoping to start Vallé’s jumping education in the next year, as I would really like to do cross country and also some Working Hunter classes with him.” “Vallé was losing front shoes every second week and his feet
were beginning to crumble. There was soon going to be no hoof to put a shoe on! After putting him on Feedmark’s Hardy Hoof Formula, Vallé can now go the full 8 weeks without his shoes even being loose.” “I took him off the supplement, and after just two weeks he lost a shoe. The supplement works wonders. I am a strong believer
in Feedmark, I use their SarVoid for skin blemishes, and Benevit Advance for everyday Vitamins and Minerals.” A FREE tub of Hardy Hoof Formula is on its way to Valentino for being our Horse Of The Week!
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