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Much needed catch up with Dance

Good evening, It really has been a while since you have heard from me, but we have been through some difficult times here at Castle Hill Stables and I wanted to wait a little while before putting hoof to paper. As I am sure you all know, racing and Castle Hill lost a monumental man in Patrick Has...
Much needed catch up with Dance

All he wants for Christmas...

What does your horse want for Christmas? No, I haven’t made a quick start on the sloe gin, it’s a serious question. As the shopping countdown starts, those in the know suggest that glitter quarter marker kits – including one that looks as if a Christmas fairy has landed on your horse’s backside –...
All he wants for Christmas...

Saving our heritage

When dressage and showing classes for ridden heavy horses were introduced, social media was awash with disparaging comments. One of the kindest labelled them as “gimmicks” – and one of the cruellest referred to “elephants in tutus”. Critics have egg on their faces, as the classes are hugely popul...
Saving our heritage

Creating the right image

Congratulations to Debbie Smith, who has won a BHS award for her work trying to help make riders safer on the roads, writes Carolyn Henderson. When more than 100,000 people signed her petition calling for a legal requirement for drivers to go past a horse wide and slow, and to be compelled to abi...
Creating the right image

Horses for courses

Being in the wrong job is miserable. If you’re stuck in an office when you’d rather be outside, or crunching numbers when you’re longing to be creative, you’ll know what it’s like.

So, what’s it like for a horse to be in a similar situation? Obviously, horses don’t grow up dreaming of career paths,...

Horses for courses

Make a fuss about fireworks

If you’re a horse or pet owner, chances are you hate fireworks because of the distress and even injury that they can cause to animals. Hopefully, you also share my loathing of Chinese lanterns, which can cause devastating harm to wild and domesticated animals as well as damaging property. I’d lov...
Make a fuss about fireworks

Words of wisdom

The best trainers know how to spark light bulb moments. With just a few words, they make you understand what others may have failed to get across. A quote from legendary showjumping trainer George Morris is going viral. If you’re one of many struggling to see a stride, he has this to say… “Dis...
Words of wisdom

Annie's horses have a well-deserved break

Well I haven’t ridden now for about 5 weeks as I decided to give all the horses a break after a busy season.  All shoes have been removed and they are out 24/7 in the fields finishing up the last of the season’s grass before winter arrives.  This is the time for all those jobs that you simply don...
Annie's horses have a well-deserved break

Horses moving home

According to a 2016 survey, moving home is in the top five most stressful “life events” – and that’s just for people. Imagine what it’s like for a horse. One day, he may be in a place and with people he’s come to know. The next, everything’s different: new environment, new people, new horses. ...
Horses moving home

The perfect end to a great season

The event season has now come to an end and what a year it has been. The highlight definitely has to be winning the U25 National Championships at Bramham, other memorable moments Collien P 2 enjoying the mud and relaxing in her field.[/caption] including making my Nations Cup debut earlier in...
The perfect end to a great season