Welcome to Feedmark


Preparations for Windsor with Annie Joppe Endurance

Things have moved on swiftly since my last blog with a much-needed improvement in the weather allowing training to motor ahead and the daily chores to become pleasurable again.


My training ground has both expanded and contracted. Whilst I can now use the cross country course again, although I ha...

Preparations for Windsor with Annie Joppe Endurance

Winning ways

“Winning isn’t everything. The way you do it is hugely important.”


Whatever your views on this year’s Badminton Horse Trials, we must turn the anger and controversy generated by Oliver Townend’s cross-country rounds into something positive, writes Carolyn Henderson.


The run-up to the event p...

Winning ways

Why we’re nuts about cobs

Cobs have the fun factor, writes Carolyn Henderson. They can do it all with smiles on their faces – and are guaranteed to put one on yours.  


Everything about cobs is special, even the word itself.  No one seems to know where the name for this type of horse came from, although it’s shared with e...

Why we’re nuts about cobs

Could you be our Assistant Nutritionist?

Assistant Nutritionist and Purchasing

Location: Norfolk/Suffolk

Email: [email protected]

Closing Date: Friday May 11th 2018

Job Type: Nutrition, Purchasing, Quality Control


Job description Feedmark enjoys an enviable reputation for making quality equine supplements, delivering research led, ...

Could you be our Assistant Nutritionist?

It’s only superstition…

As we wish Badminton competitors the best of luck, Carolyn Henderson looks at why horse people are often superstitious. Are you?  When Will Furlong makes his four-star debut at Badminton Horse Trials, everyone on the Feedmark team will have their fingers crossed. Will is dedicated, talented and dese...

It’s only superstition…

Swapping for success

Lateral thinking isn’t only for Dressage riders, writes Carolyn Henderson. We can all learn from different disciplines. Life-swap programmes make for great TV. You know the sort – Mr and Mrs high-maintenance City slicker swap roles with a couple who know that mud belongs in field entrances, not face...

Swapping for success

Looking for perfection

The Perfect First Pony needs a new home and her owner’s phone line is red hot, writes Carolyn Henderson. Parents – let’s be honest, mothers – have been plotting since the first rumours started circulating and now they’ve flown into action like heat-seeking missiles. This is happening in my part of t...

Looking for perfection

Katie and Layla visit Haywood Oaks


Is it only me that is fed up of this rain…is it ever going to end?! The weather forced the cancellation of the Southdowns’ Ride, so we made the long trip up to Nottingham, to Haywood Oaks.  The change meant a night away from home but Layla was desperate for a ride, and I really wanted her to ha...

Katie and Layla visit Haywood Oaks

Perfect partnerships are a matter of time

What gives you most satisfaction – the start of a new relationship, when there are so many things to find out about each other, or the security and shared experiences of a long-established partnership? Apologies if that sounds like a quiz on how to find true love, writes Carolyn Henderson. After all...

Perfect partnerships are a matter of time

2018 is a great success so far

There are times with horses when writing a blog can be a tricky business – as we all know far too well, they refuse to follow a script, the lows can be continuous, the light can seem a long way down the tunnel – but I am glad and excited to report that 2018 is not one of those times so far for us he...

2018 is a great success so far