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Who’s on your team?

Recently, I went to one of my favourite showing championships of the year. I love it not just because you’re guaranteed to see top class horses and ponies, but because even though rivalry is keen, the atmosphere is always friendly.


There was plenty of showmanship from those who knew exactly how ...

Who’s on your team?

Be inspired by success

The controversies of the World Equestrian Games were balanced with the news that Britain’s Ros Canter finished as individual as well as a team gold medallist.


Her story is an inspiration to every young rider – and a few not so young ones, too. Ros started, like so many, as a member of the Pony C...

Be inspired by success

Looking good is a smart tactic

Behind every great rider, there’s a great groom, whether that’s a paid member of a professional team or a parent/other half doing it for love.


So, congratulations to supergroom Georgia Pitcher. Georgia, who works for Feedmark-sponsored rider Will Furlong, has just won the Shapley’s best turned o...

Looking good is a smart tactic

The real winners

Successful amateurs are the ones with professional standards, says Carolyn Henderson


The dictionary definition of an amateur participant in any sport or activity is someone who takes part without payment. So why do so many riders assume that “amateur” is synonymous with second-rate?


By defin...

The real winners

Endurance catch up with Annie Joppe

I have now had my back operation and am back in the saddle albeit a little shakily.  I did wait a week before attempting to clamber on but once on board things improved on a daily basis.  I then decided to enter the Endurance Masters at Euston Park some four weeks after my operation which I know was...

Endurance catch up with Annie Joppe

When the best laid plans go pear-shaped

When the excitement builds at big events such as Burghley Horse Trials, we see the tip of the iceberg. Years of hard work have gone into building horse and rider partnerships to that level and months of preparation have been targeted on specific goals.


When it goes right, it’s fairy tale stuff. ...

When the best laid plans go pear-shaped

Fair play for crib biters

New research supports the theory that crib-biting relieves stress and should not be prevented. Instead, we must try to keep horses who practice the behaviour in ways which minimise their need to do so.


Researchers at the Royal Agricultural University and Aberystwyth University have found more ev...

Fair play for crib biters

When pressing pause is the only answer

I am on box rest again. This time, I have to stick to it, because my husband is seriously considering having me put down.


It isn’t the pain from damaged muscles that’s causing me the problems, but the fact that I can’t ride. It’s driving me crazy and him crazier, because he has to put up with my...

When pressing pause is the only answer

In praise of horsey teenagers

Teenagers. Just that one word is enough to make you sigh, roll your eyes and flounce out the room. And that’s if you’re a parent.  However, horsey teenagers have many saving graces. Here are ten reasons to be cheerful – well, most of the time – if you have one in your household.


1.      When you...

In praise of horsey teenagers

Wallace sets a wonderful example

So, who is the UK’s most famous four-legged dressage star? 


A few years ago, Valegro was the name on everyone’s lips. Now, the most famous ears looking through a dressage bridle are rather larger.

Yes, it’s the wonder of Wallace. Wallace the Great, to give him his full title – the charismatic, ...

Wallace sets a wonderful example